Friday 9 August 2013



Q: What do you call 100 Arsenal supporters at the bottom of a cliff? 
A: A good start!
Q: What do you call a dead Gunner Fan in a closet? 
A: Last years winner of the hide and seek contest. 
Q: What do you say to a Gunners supporter with a good looking bird on his arm? 
A: Nice tattoo 
Q: What do you call an Arsenal fan that does well on an IQ test? 
A: A cheat. 
Q: You're trapped in a room with a Lion, Cobra snake and an Arsenal Fan. You have a gun with two bullets. What should you do? 
A: Shoot the Arsenal Fan. Twice. 
Q: What is the difference between Arsenal and a cup of tea? 
A: The tea stays in the cup longer! 
Q: What do you call an Arsenal fan in a suit? 
A: The accused. 
Q: Why did God make Arsenal supporters smelly? 
A: So blind people could laugh at them too! 
 Q: Why don't they drink tea at Emirates Stadium? 
A: Because all the cups are in Manchester. 
Q: Why do Arsenal blokes drink from a saucer? 
A: Because the cup's always in Manchester! 
Q: What’s the difference between Frequent Flyer Miles and Arsenal? 
A: Frequent Flyer Miles earn points. 
Q: What do you call 5 Arsenal fans standing ear to ear? 
A: A wind tunnel. 
Q: Why are Arsenal strikers like grizzly bears? 
A: Every fall they go into hibernation. 
Q: What’s the difference between a line of cocaine and a pair of Arsenal tickets? 
A: People would pass up a pair of Arsenal tickets. 
Q: What’s the difference between a fat chick and an Arsenal striker? 
A: Even a fat chick scores every once in a while! 
Q: Why do Arsenal fans suck at geometry? 
A: Because they never have any points. 
Q: What does a fine wine and Arsenal have in common? 
A: They both spend a lot of time in the cellar, cost too much and are only enjoyed on select occasions. 
Q: Why do people like driving a car with a Gunners fan? 
A: Because you can park in the handicap zone! 
Q: Whats the difference between Arsenal F.C. and a mosquito? 
A: A mosquito stops sucking. 
Q: What is the difference between an Arsenal supporter and a baby? 
A: The baby will stop whining after awhile. 
Q: What do I have in common with Arsenal? 
A: Next week, we'll both be watching the Champions League final on television. 
Q: What is the difference between a bucket of shit and a Gunners fan? 
A: The bucket. 
Q: How do you casterate a Gunners supporter? 
A: Kick his sister in the mouth 
Q: What does a Gunners fan do when his team has won the Champions League? 
A: He turns off the PlayStation. 
Q: What does an Arsenal supporter and a bottle of beer have in common? 
A: They’re both empty from the neck up. 
Q: How do you keep a Gunners fan from masterbating? 
A: You paint Red Devils on his dick and he won't beat it for 4 years! 
Q. Why do ducks fly over Emirates Stadium upside down? 
A. There's nothing worth craping on! 
Q: Did you hear that Arsenal doesn't have a website? 
A: They can't string three "Ws" together. 
Q: How do you stop a Gunners supporter from beating his wife? 
A: Dress her in a Manchester United jersey!

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